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5D Docu-Mode

In Notes From the Set by Rod Santiano1 Comment

I’m in New York right now shooting a documentary vignette to be used in relation to the upcoming documentary WAITING FOR SUPERMAN.  It is the first time the director and I have committed to shooting exclusively on the 5D MkII.  A few months ago, we rented it to shoot some beauty shots for an industrial freezer gig and ended up shooting the whole thing on it. We realized quickly that the recording of quality sound was a problem.  The director, Greg, found a blog entry from Stretch Photography that stated his recipe for getting good sound (and stability) in the documentary world.  I had the camera and lens, but nothing else.  So we arrived in New York late last night and we went to electronics wonderland B&H Photo/Video this morning to buy what we needed for today’s shoot based on Stretch’s recommendations.